24 Nov Do You Need a New Front Door? Here Are Some Signs: Insights from a Door Replacement Company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois
Front doors are designed to withstand the elements for years and years. Nevertheless, they don’t last forever, and sometimes need to be replaced. The question is: how can you determine whether it’s time to replace your front door?
The key is to look out for a few specific signs. Are you wondering what these include? This door replacement company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois is going to highlight some of the top signs to look out for below.
Are There Cracks in Your Door?
One indication that you need a new front door is that there are cracks in your door. Cracks are not just a cosmetic issue but a functional one as well. This is because cracks reduce the door’s coverage capabilities, allowing in increased heat, cold, sound, and other entities.
This doesn’t mean that every tiny crack indicates a need for a door replacement. In fact, many tiny cracks can be repaired. However, if there are several cracks in your door, it’s probably due for a replacement.
Need help replacing your front door? A professional door replacement company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois will be able to assist you.
Are Your Energy Bills Rising?
Another sign that you might need a new door is that your energy bills are rising in price. What connection could there be between this and your door? It’s all about energy efficiency.
As a door wears down, it loses its ability to keep out heat and cold. The more heat and cold it allows inside, the harder the home’s HVAC system will have to work in order to keep the home at the proper temperature. This results in increased energy usage and therefore increased energy costs.
There are other factors that can lead to rising energy bills. That said, a deteriorated door is a common culprit. If your door is over 20 years old, you should bring in a door replacement company for an assessment.
Does Your Door Drag on the Ground?
In some cases, a front door will begin to drag on the ground when being opened and closed. This is sometimes caused by the settling of the house. In that case, repairs can be made to rectify the issue.
In other cases, however, it’s the door itself that’s causing the problem. If this is what you’re facing, you have only one option: you’ll have to replace the door in its entirety.
Need help replacing your front door? Your local door replacement company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois can assist you.
Are There Drafts by Your Doors?
The last indication that you might need a door replacement is that there are drafts by your door. In other words, you can feel wind coming in through the cracks of your door.
If this happens, it’s because the seals on your door have deteriorated. You might be able to fix them. On the other hand, if the door is over 20 years old, it’s probably not even worth it. A replacement would be the better option.
Note that wind drafts aren’t just uncomfortable, they’re also expensive. The draftier your home is, the harder your HVAC system will be forced to work, and the more money you’ll have to spend on energy. Replace your door now and save money in the long run.
Looking for a Door Replacement Company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois?
Has your entry door run its course? Ready to partner with the best door replacement company in Hawthorn Woods, Illinois? If so, Aspen Exterior Company has you covered. Regardless of the type of door you’re looking to install, we can accommodate you. Contact us today at (847) 590-5600 to request a free quote.
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