Four Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Entry Door: Insights from a Door Replacement Company in Arlington Heights, Illinois

Door replacement company in Arlington Heights Illinois

Four Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Entry Door: Insights from a Door Replacement Company in Arlington Heights, Illinois

Front doors don’t last forever. In fact, most front doors tend to wear out after about 30 years of exposure to the elements. That is why, once your entry door starts to approach this age, it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of deterioration. If these signs exist, you might very well need to replace your door.

Are you wondering what signs to look out for? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Below, this door replacement company in Arlington Heights, Illinois is going to review the top four signs that it’s time for a new entry door.

1. Do You Feel Strong Wind Drafts Around Your Door?

One sign that it’s time for a new entry door is that there are strong wind drafts around your door. In other words, you can feel wind blowing in through the edges of your closed door.

This starts to occur once the seals on the door have deteriorated. It’s a problem that typically becomes worse over time. There are ways to combat it temporarily — however, in the end, the only permanent option is to replace the door entirely.

If you don’t replace a door in this condition, you’re constantly going to have trouble maintaining the temperature of your home. This will cause your HVAC system to work harder, wasting energy and running up your monthly bills. By replacing your door in a timely manner, you’ll avoid temperature inconsistencies and will ultimately save money.

2. Is Your Door Cracked?

Another sign that it’s time for a new front door is that it’s cracked. We’re not talking about small cracks — we’re talking about large ones that extend over three inches in length and over 1/4 of an inch in width.

Some of these cracks can be repaired. If that’s possible, you should undoubtedly repair them. You’ll extend the life of your door and ultimately save money. However, if they can’t be salvaged, it’s best to reach out to a professional door replacement company in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Failing to replace your door will only result in temperature inconsistencies, water seepage, bugs, and other undesirable entities.

3. Is Your Door Aged Aesthetically?

There doesn’t necessarily need to be a functional problem present to warrant a door replacement. Aesthetic problems are reason enough.

If your door has aged aesthetically, you should strongly consider replacing it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s worn down due to slow deterioration or it’s just out of style — if your door doesn’t look right, your home isn’t going to look right.

Fortunately, there are all sorts of doors available for you to choose from. Your local door replacement company in Arlington Heights, Illinois will be happy to help you find one that is right for your home.

4. Is Your Door Warped?

The last sign that it’s time for a new door is that it is warped. In other words, it’s curved at some point in its body, making it difficult to open and close.

This typically only occurs with wood doors when they have taken on water damage. However, it sometimes occurs with fiberglass and metal doors as well, particularly if the home has foundation issues.

This isn’t a problem that can be repaired. The only viable solution is to replace the door completely. Your local home remodeling company will be happy to assist you with this replacement.

Looking for a Door Replacement Company in Arlington Heights, Illinois?

Is it time to start thinking about upgrading your front door? Looking for a professional door replacement company in Arlington Heights, Illinois that can help you find the right style and material? If so, our team at Aspen Exterior Company is here to help.

Contact us today at (847) 590-5600 to get started.

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