24 May What Kind of Window Should You Install? A Hawthorn Woods Window Company Weighs In
A home’s windows will eventually reach their limit, and it will be time to make a change. When this time comes, the main question you might have is: what types of windows should you replace them with?
There are a variety of options available, each of which has its own set of pros and cons. Wondering which is right for your home? This Hawthorn Woods window company is going to help you decide.
Single-hung Window
Looking for something simple and affordable? If so, you should consider installing single-hung windows. Taller than they are wide, single-hung windows look great in rooms of all kinds. Possessing a single moveable sash, they allow for standard ventilation and sunlight capabilities.
Double-hung Window
If you’re looking for a hung window with a little more functionality, you should consider installing double-hung windows. These windows have the same general appearance as single-hung windows. The only difference is that they have two moveable sashes as opposed to one. This additional sash allows for greater ventilation, while also making the window easier to clean.
Casement Window
When closed, casement windows have the same appearance as hung windows (taller than they are wide). However, they open in a much different way than single-hung and double-hung windows.
Whereas hung windows open in an up-down manner, casement windows open in an in-out manner, making use of a lever in order to make adjustments. The ultimate difference? Slightly greater ventilation variation.
Sliding Window
Looking for panoramic views of the outside world? If so, a sliding window would suit you best. Sliding windows are essentially hung windows that have been turned sideways. Wider than they are tall, they make use of sashes that open and close in a left-right manner. These windows allow for a great deal of sunlight as well as a great deal of ventilation variation.
Awning Window
Like sliding windows, awning windows are wider than they are tall. Where they differ is in the way that they open. Whereas sliding windows open in a left-right manner, awning windows open in an in-out manner, swiveling on a single fulcrum from the top of the window frame.
The result? An awning effect that keeps rain from entering the home, while also allowing for a good deal of ventilation.
Bay Window
If you’re looking for an architectural window that can serve as the centerpiece of a room, you should consider installing a bay window. Bay windows consist of 3 angled panes, each of which juts out past the exterior of the house. These windows allow for a great deal of sunlight, not to mention ventilation variation. They are great for kitchens, dining rooms, livings rooms, and more.
Bow Window
Looking for a bay window with more panes? A bow window will suit you well. Bow windows possess between 4 and 6 angled panes, all of which jut out past the exterior of the house. Ideal in living rooms and dining rooms, they go a long way in improving a home’s aesthetic.
Picture Window
If you’re looking for a window that doesn’t open at all, you’re looking for a picture window. Picture windows come in many shapes and sizes and can be found in rooms of all kinds.
In Need of a Hawthorn Woods Window Company?
Have you made your decision? Are you in need of a Hawthorn Woods window company? If so, Aspen Exterior Company is ready to help.
We install windows of all types — from casement windows, to hung windows, to awning windows, and much more. Regardless of your preferences or needs, we can help you.
Contact us to request a free quote!
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