Window Installation Company in Des Plaines: Vinyl vs. Wood


Window Installation Company in Des Plaines: Vinyl vs. Wood

Whether you’re building a new home, or are renovating your existing home, you might want to take your windows into consideration. Though they’re just a small part of your home as a whole, they can make a huge difference in its overall appearance and performance.

These days, the most commonly used types of windows in Des Plaines include vinyl and wood. While both have their upsides, both have their drawbacks as well. The question is: which option is right for you?

To help you decide, we will compare the two materials below.

Wood Windows in Des Plaines


1. Classic Look

When it comes to aesthetics, almost everyone rates wood windows over vinyl windows. Whereas wood windows have a classic, unique, and elegant look to them, vinyl windows have somewhat of a mass-produced, lifeless look to them.

2. Can Be Painted Any Color

One of the great things about wood windows is that they can be painted any color you wish to paint them. Want hot pink windows? You can get them by choosing wood.

Vinyl windows come in a number of different colors, but don’t allow for the endless style options that are allowed for by wood.

3. Terrific Insulation Quality

Want to keep your energy bills down as much as possible? If so, it’s wise to go with wood windows. Due to their thickness and density, wood windows let through only trace amounts of heat and cold.


1. On the Expensive Side

There are perhaps two major cons associated with wood windows. One of these cons is that wood windows tend to be expensive. Not only do they cost substantially more than vinyl windows upfront, they generally cost more over time as well. This is because they require regular maintenance in order to thrive.

2. Maintenance-heavy

The other major con associated with wood windows is that they require a great deal of maintenance. Not only should they be cleaned on a regular basis, they should be stained, sanded, and puttied as well.

Vinyl Windows in Des Plaines


1. Very Affordable

The simple fact of the matter is that vinyl windows are the most affordable windows available. This is why they’re the most popular types of windows in the world.

2. Low-maintenance

Not only are vinyl windows uber-affordable upfront, but over time as well. This is because these windows require almost no maintenance whatsoever, necessitating only a scrub-down every once in a while.

3. Excellent Durability

You may think that, because they’re so affordable, vinyl windows must lack durability. If so, you would be surprised to hear that vinyl windows are actually very durable. In most cases, vinyl windows can last for well over 20 years, usually topping out at around 40 years.


1. Lacks Color Options

While vinyl windows are available in many colors, they don’t offer as many color options as what wood windows can offer. This is because, while wood windows can be painted, vinyl windows cannot. Therefore, your options are limited to the colors that manufacturers establish.

2. Discount Look

Though vinyl windows don’t necessarily look bad, some people find them less attractive than wood. In some cases, they have a factory-produced, plastic look to them. For most people, this look is passable, but not exactly remarkable.

Searching for a Window Installation Company in Des Plaines?

Have you made a choice between vinyl and wood windows? Looking for a Des Plaines window company to supply and install your windows? Look no further! Aspen Exterior Company is the company you seek.

Our team of window installation specialists is beyond experienced in the installation of both wood and vinyl windows. Regardless of the type you choose, we can help.

Contact us today to discuss your needs.

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